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A Complete Troubleshooting Guide to Streamlabs Chatbot! Medium

A Complete Troubleshooting Guide to Streamlabs Chatbot! Medium

Cloudbot 101 Custom Commands and Variables Part One Commands can be used to raid a channel, start a giveaway, share media, and much more. Each command comes with a set of permissions. Depending on the Command, some can only be used by your moderators while everyone, including viewers, can use others. Below is a list

Cloudbot 101 Custom Commands and Variables Part One

streamlabs chat commands

Commands can be used to raid a channel, start a giveaway, share media, and much more. Each command comes with a set of permissions. Depending on the Command, some can only be used by your moderators while everyone, including viewers, can use others. Below is a list of commonly used Twitch commands that can help as you grow your channel. If you don’t see a command you want to use, you can also add a custom command.

streamlabs chat commands

If you don’t want alerts for certain things, you can disable them by clicking on the toggle. When streaming it is likely that you get viewers from all around the world. A time command can be helpful to let your viewers know what your local time is.

Shoutout Command

Click it and make sure to check ‘obswebsocket.settings.authrequired’. This will allow you to make a custom password (mine is ‘ilikebutts’). Shoutout commands allow moderators to link another streamer’s channel in the chat. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. Typically shoutout commands are used as a way to thank somebody for raiding the stream.

I will keep this updated as I find more commands. Reply if you have an idea for a command and I will try to make it. Variables are sourced from a text document stored on your PC and can be edited at any time. Each variable will need to be listed on a separate line. Feel free to use our list as a starting point for your own. Check the official documentation or community forums for information on integrating Chatbot with your preferred platform.

streamlabs chat commands

Merch — This is another default command that we recommend utilizing. If you have a Streamlabs Merch store, anyone can use this command to visit your store and support you. The biggest difference is that your viewers don’t need to use an exclamation mark to trigger the response. All they have to do is say the keyword, and the response will appear in chat. Click here to enable Cloudbot from the Streamlabs Dashboard, and start using and customizing commands today. Go on over to the ‘commands’ tab and click the ‘+’ at the top right.

streamlabs chatbot gif/video commands

If you are allowing stream viewers to make song suggestions then you can also add the username of the requester to the response. An 8Ball command adds some fun and interaction to the stream. With the command enabled viewers can ask a question and receive a response from the 8Ball. You will need to have Streamlabs read a text file with the command. The text file location will be different for you, however, we have provided an example. Each 8ball response will need to be on a new line in the text file.

Once you have done that, it’s time to create your first command. Do this by clicking the Add Command button. I am looking for a command that allows me to see all channel’s commands. Commands, but I don’t see anything for Streamlabs.

If you’re having trouble connecting Streamlabs Chatbot to your Twitch account, follow these steps. This is useful for when you want to keep chat a bit cleaner and not have it filled with bot responses. If you want to learn more about what variables are available then feel free to go through our variables list HERE. Variables are pieces of text that get replaced with data coming from chat or from the streaming service that you’re using. If you aren’t very familiar with bots yet or what commands are commonly used, we’ve got you covered. To get started, all you need to do is go HERE and make sure the Cloudbot is enabled first.

If you download the ‘zip’ format of the obs-websocket 4.8, we can easily directly install it into our obs program folder. First, copy the websocket plugin application. Alternatively, if you are playing Fortnite and want to cycle through squad members, you can queue up viewers and give everyone a chance to play. Once you’ve set all the fields, save your settings and your timer will go off once Interval and Line Minimum are both reached. Once enabled, you can create your first Timer by clicking on the Add Timer button. You will then see the below modal appear.

How to run ads on Twitch during your streaming – metricool.com

How to run ads on Twitch during your streaming.

Posted: Wed, 27 Jan 2021 08:00:00 GMT [source]

We have included an optional line at the end to let viewers know what game the streamer was playing last. Having a lurk command is a great way to thank viewers who open the stream even if they aren’t chatting. A lurk command can also let people know that they will be unresponsive in the chat for the time being. The added viewer is particularly important for smaller streamers and sharing your appreciation is always recommended. If you are a larger streamer you may want to skip the lurk command to prevent spam in your chat. Don’t forget to check out our entire list of cloudbot variables.

This will make it so chatbot automatically connects to your stream when it opens. In this box you want to make sure to setup ‘twitch bot’, ‘twitch streamer’, and ‘obs remote’. For the ‘twitch bot’ and ‘twitch streamer’, you will need to generate a token by clicking on the button and logging into your twitch account. Once logged in (after putting in all the extra safety codes they send) click ‘connect’. Go through the installer process for the streamlabs chatbot first. I am not sure how this works on mac operating systems so good luck.

Wins $mychannel has won $checkcount(!addwin) games today. And 4) Cross Clip, the easiest way to convert Twitch clips to videos for TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts. Chat PG Uptime — Shows how long you have been live. Do this by adding a custom command and using the template called ! To use Commands, you first need to enable a chatbot.

If you go into preferences you are able to customize the message our posts whenever a pyramid of a certain width is reached. The purpose of this Module is to congratulate viewers that can successfully build an emote pyramid in chat. Wrongvideo can be used by viewers to remove the last video they requested in case it wasn’t exactly what they wanted to request.

Here is a video of a dude talking more about using .webm files. To do this, click on the ‘arrow in a square’ button at the top right. This will open up your files and you will want to find where you have your obsremoteparameters zip file downloaded. Go ahead and click on the file and hit ‘open’. If the file does not show up in the scripts area, go ahead and hit the refresh button at the top right.

Streamlabs Chatbot provides integration options with various platforms, expanding its functionality beyond Twitch. Here are some integration possibilities. To enhance the performance of Streamlabs Chatbot, consider the following optimization tips. Regularly updating Streamlabs Chatbot is crucial to ensure you have access to the latest features and bug fixes.

Best Streamlabs chatbot commands – Dot Esports

Best Streamlabs chatbot commands.

Posted: Thu, 04 Mar 2021 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Streamlabs chatbot allows you to create custom commands to help improve chat engagement and provide information to viewers. Commands have become a staple in the streaming community and are expected in streams. If you are unfamiliar, adding a Media https://chat.openai.com/ Share widget gives your viewers the chance to send you videos that you can watch together live on stream. This is a default command, so you don’t need to add anything custom. Go to the default Cloudbot commands list and ensure you have enabled !

It automates tasks like announcing new followers and subs and can send messages of appreciation to your viewers. Cloudbot is easy to set up and use, and it’s completely free. In the streamlabs chatbot ‘console’ tab on the left side menu, you can type in the bottom. Sometimes it is best to close chatbot or obs or both to reset everything if it does not work. Now that our websocket is set, we can open up our streamlabs chatbot. If at anytime nothing seems to be working/updating properly, just close the chatbot program and reopen it to reset.

A hug command will allow a viewer to give a virtual hug to either a random viewer or a user of their choice. Streamlabs chatbot will tag both users in the response. We hope that this list will help you make a bigger impact on your viewers. We hope you have found this list of Cloudbot commands helpful.

To learn about creating a custom command, check out our blog post here. Feature commands can add functionality to the chat to help encourage engagement. Other commands provide useful information to the viewers and help promote the streamer’s content without manual effort.

How to use Timers, Queue, and Quotes in Streamlabs Desktop — Cloudbot 101

Sometimes a streamer will ask you to keep track of the number of times they do something on stream. The streamer will name the counter and you will use that to keep track. Here’s how you would keep track of a counter with the command ! In the above example you can see we used ! Followage, this is a commonly used command to display the amount of time someone has followed a channel for. Hugs — This command is just a wholesome way to give you or your viewers a chance to show some love in your community.

Viewers can use the next song command to find out what requested song will play next. Like the current song command, you can also include who the song was requested by in the response. Similar to a hug command, the slap command one viewer to slap another. The streamlabs chat commands slap command can be set up with a random variable that will input an item to be used for the slapping. This can range from handling giveaways to managing new hosts when the streamer is offline. Work with the streamer to sort out what their priorities will be.

Once you have set up the module all your viewers need to do is either use ! Blacklist skips the current playing media and also blacklists it immediately preventing it from being requested in the future. Volume can be used by moderators to adjust the volume of the media that is currently playing. Skip will allow viewers to band together to have media be skipped, the amount of viewers that need to use this is tied to Votes Required to Skip.

This will be the main program for all of this to work. Download whichever fits for your operating system. Uptime commands are common as a way to show how long the stream has been live. It is useful for viewers that come into a stream mid-way. Uptime commands are also recommended for 24-hour streams and subathons to show the progress.

  • Spam Security allows you to adjust how strict we are in regards to media requests.
  • Next, head to your Twitch channel and mod Streamlabs by typing /mod Streamlabs in the chat.
  • This module also has an accompanying chat command which is !
  • Here are some integration possibilities.
  • The Media Share module allows your viewers to interact with our Media Share widget and add requests directly from chat when viewers use the command !

Veto is similar to skip but it doesn’t require any votes and allows moderators to immediately skip media. Video will show a viewer what is currently playing. This module works in conjunction with our Loyalty System.

Unable to connect Streamlabs Chatbot to Twitch

If you are unable to do this alone, you probably shouldn’t be following this tutorial. Go ahead and get/keep chatbot opened up as we will need it for the other stuff. To begin, you will need to download a few things.

Watch time commands allow your viewers to see how long they have been watching the stream. It is a fun way for viewers to interact with the stream and show their support, even if they’re lurking. By utilizing Streamlabs Chatbot, streamers can create a more interactive and engaging environment for their viewers. If a command is set to Chat the bot will simply reply directly in chat where everyone can see the response. If it is set to Whisper the bot will instead DM the user the response. The Whisper option is only available for Twitch & Mixer at this time.

You can fully customize the Module and have it use any of the emotes you would like. If you would like to have it use your channel emotes you would need to gift our bot a sub to your channel. Max Requests per User this refers to the maximum amount of videos a user can have in the queue at one time. If you want to adjust the command you can customize it in the Default Commands section of the Cloudbot. This module also has an accompanying chat command which is !

Review the pricing details on the Streamlabs website for more information. Yes, Streamlabs Chatbot supports multiple-channel functionality. You can connect Chatbot to different channels and manage them individually. While Streamlabs Chatbot is primarily designed for Twitch, it may have compatibility with other streaming platforms. Extend the reach of your Chatbot by integrating it with your YouTube channel. Engage with your YouTube audience and enhance their chat experience.

To get started, check out the Template dropdown. It comes with a bunch of commonly used commands such as ! Gloss +m $mychannel has now suffered $count losses in the gulag. Cracked $tousername is $randnum(1,100)% cracked. To get familiar with each feature, we recommend watching our playlist on YouTube. These tutorial videos will walk you through every feature Cloudbot has to offer to help you maximize your content.

It’s as simple as just clicking on the switch. Now click “Add Command,” and an option to add your commands will appear. If you were smart and downloaded the installer for the obs-websocket, go ahead and go through the same process yet again with the installer. If not, do not worry because there is another way. We need obsremoteparameters and obs-websocket 4.8. Again, these are what are accessible as of right now in 2020.

streamlabs chat commands

When someone gambles all, they will bet the maximum amount of loyalty points they have available up to the Max. Amount that has been set in your preferences. Yes, Streamlabs Chatbot is primarily designed for Twitch, but it may also work with other streaming platforms. However, it’s essential to check compatibility and functionality with each specific platform. Streamlabs Chatbot can be connected to your Discord server, allowing you to interact with viewers and provide automated responses. If Streamlabs Chatbot is not responding to user commands, try the following troubleshooting steps.

Typically social accounts, Discord links, and new videos are promoted using the timer feature. Before creating timers you can link timers to commands via the settings. This means that whenever you create a new timer, a command will also be made for it. A current song command allows viewers to know what song is playing. This command only works when using the Streamlabs Chatbot song requests feature.

Max Duration this is the maximum video duration, any videos requested that are longer than this will be declined. Loyalty Points are required for this Module since your viewers will need to invest the points they have earned for a chance to win more. After you have set up your message, click save and it’s ready to go. Nine separate Modules are available, all designed to increase engagement and activity from viewers.

streamlabs chat commands

Find the location of the video you would like to use. I have found that the smaller the file size, the easier it is on your system. Converting a video file to a .webm works great! Here is a free video converter that allows you to convert video files into .webm files. If your video has audio, make sure to click the ‘enable audio’ at the bottom of the converter.

Now we have to go back to our obs program and add the media. Go to the ‘sources’ location and click the ‘+’ button and then add ‘media source’. In the ‘create new’, add the same name you used as the source name in the chatbot command, mine was ‘test’. Timers are commands that are periodically set off without being activated. You can use timers to promote the most useful commands.

From here you can change the ‘audio monitoring’ from ‘monitor off’ to ‘monitor and output’. Join command under the default commands section HERE. Queues allow you to view suggestions or requests from viewers.

Remember to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. You can tag a random user with Streamlabs Chatbot by including $randusername in the response. Streamlabs will source the random user out of your viewer list. As a streamer you tend to talk in your local time and date, however, your viewers can be from all around the world. When talking about an upcoming event it is useful to have a date command so users can see your local date.

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