تاریخ انتشار : چهارشنبه 5 آذر 1399 - 14:21
کد خبر : 166809

۸ Books About Sobriety to Help You Drink Less, or Quit Altogether The New York Times

۸ Books About Sobriety to Help You Drink Less, or Quit Altogether The New York Times

As her marriage dissolved and she struggled to find a reason to stay clean, Karr turned to Catholicism as a light at the end of the tunnel. A person of extraordinary intellect, Heather King is a lawyer and writer/commentator for NPR — as well as a recovering alcoholic who spent years descending from functional alcoholism

As her marriage dissolved and she struggled to find a reason to stay clean, Karr turned to Catholicism as a light at the end of the tunnel. A person of extraordinary intellect, Heather King is a lawyer and writer/commentator for NPR — as well as a recovering alcoholic who spent years descending from functional alcoholism to barely functioning at all. From graduating cum laude from law school despite her excessive drinking to languishing in dive bars, King presents a clear-eyed look at her past and what brought her out of the haze of addiction. The acclaimed author of Prozac Nation goes from depression to addiction with this equally devastating personal account. Wurtzel reveals how drugs fueled her post-breakout period, describing with unbearable specificity how her doctor’s prescription of Ritalin, intended to help her function, only brought her down. In his follow-up to his first memoir, Tweak, which dealt with his journey into meth addiction, Sheff details his struggle to stay clean.

Quit Like a Woman: The Radical Choice to Not Drink in a Culture Obsessed With Alcohol by Holly Whitaker

best alcohol recovery books

Pairing scientific research with real-life stories of addiction, the author and world-renowned trauma expert provides a holistic explanation of addiction. Offering an easy-to-grasp explanation of the brain and addiction, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts promotes compassionate self-understanding as a pillar of health and healing. The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober explores the role alcohol plays in our world and insights from top neuroscientists and psychologists about why we drink.

The honest and uplifting sobriety memoir

  • It explains how alcohol affects human beings on a chemical, physiological, and psychological level, from those first drinks right up to chronic alcoholism….
  • This book also examines the brain’s ability to create new neural pathways and lose the desire to use substances.
  • An adventurous and free-spirited young man, Winston “Win” Williams, was destined for adventure.
  • Authored by addiction professionals, Beyond Addiction illustrates how people can use positive reinforcement, behavior strategies, and kindness to help their loved ones achieve sobriety.

This book reads like a long hypnosis session for the person who needs the power of conviction behind his or her efforts to quit drinking. Working with the right team and with an approach fit for your needs, you can set achievable goals, make positive changes, and build a support network of family and friends while in co-occurring disorders recovery. The handbook “Co-occurring Addiction And Mental Health Disorders” is written and designed to help people with co-occurring disorders thrive in recovery. Have you noticed that our world is increasingly obsessed with drinking? Work events, brunch, baby showers, book club, hair salons—the list of where to find booze is endless. Holly Whitaker, in her own path to recovery, discovered the insidious ways the alcohol industry targets women and the patriarchal methods of recovery.

Alcohol and You: How to Control and Stop Drinking

This book is a great place to start if you’ve been feeling sober curious. This book provides an eye-opening perspective on and insight into how racism and white supremacy can lead to intergenerational trauma. Resmaa Menakem shares the latest research on body trauma and neuroscience, as well as provides actionable steps towards healing as a collective.

Sober Starting Today Workbook

This book, written by Christoper Kennedy Lawford, is an excellent resource for anyone looking to understand general and specific conditions related to chemical and behavioral addictions. “Recover to Live” is a self-treatment guide aimed at those who are looking for help with alcohol, drugs, eating disorders, gambling, hoarding, smoking, sex and porn addiction. As a collection of expert opinions, http://ua-vet.com/addtmc.php?info=10284 it features conversations with the world’s top experts in addiction. The book, besides covering many types of addiction, also covers issues such as cross-addiction and the causes of addiction. Survival Math is an incredible look at race and class, gangs and guns, addiction and masculinity. Mitchell S. Jackson frames the narrative around his own experiences and those of his family and community.

best alcohol recovery books

Everything from inpatient rehab and sober living facilities to peer-support groups and outpatient care can move you or your loved one another step closer to long-term recovery. Self-love can be one of the most beautiful things to come from a http://fotofact.net/youth/festival-metal-heads-mission-xiv-mhm-2013-fotoreportazh.html/comment-page-1 recovery journey. This book provides an amazing framework for embracing our true selves in a society that tries to tell us we’re not already whole as we are. If you struggle with anything related to body image, you won’t regret this read.

This supportive guide offers you a beacon of hope and a clear path through the darkness of addiction. You might think, “I’ve tried everything, and nothing seems to work” or “I’m too deep into this; there’s no way out for me.” I hear you, and that’s precisely why I wrote this book. The journey to recovery is indeed challenging, but with the right understanding of addiction and the http://stiho-bum.ru/detail.php?id=9276 brain, combined with practical tools, you’ll be armed with the knowledge to overcome this battle. This book is written from a different perspective and tells the story of an addiction treatment professional who got caught up in alcoholism. Written by Michael Pond and Maureen Palmer, “The Couch Of Willingness” testifies that addiction is a disorder that does not discriminate.

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